
[EAI Issue Briefing] MIKTA and Korea’s Middle Power Diplomacy: Opportunities and Challenges

  • 2016-04-19
EAI Issue Briefing
MIKTA and Korea’s Middle Power Diplomacy:
Opportunities and Challenges
"Middle Powers Navigating within a Transregional Network"
In order to successfully carry out niche diplomacy, middle powers should concentrate resources on specific issue areas. MIKTA, an association of the five major middle powers (Mexico, Indonesia, South Korea, Turkey, and Australia), has made meaningful strides in identifying areas of cooperation such as health security, climate change, gender equality, and terrorism. While MIKTA has been successful in improving international visibility by cultivating common stances on some global issues, Seungjoo Lee suggests that South Korea should take the lead in finding a way to turn the MIKTA countries’ differences into strengths and utilizing the MIKTA as an unofficial, issue-oriented transregional network in the current global governance landscape where middle powers need to take more initiative. pc   mobile

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