Research Center for Trade, Technology, and Transformation is launched
EAI Current Affairs Debate: “Korea-Japan Relations, Where Are We Headed?”
EAI Policy Debate: “Moon Jae-in Administration Mid-term Assessment: Public Opinion Survey and Policy Proposals”
Yul Sohn, Professor at the Yonsei University GSIS, is inaugurated as the third president
Launch of the Rising China and New Civilization in the Asia Pacific research project
Global North Korea, a comprehensive archival website, is launched
Held the Council of Councils Eleventh Regional Conference in Seoul
EAI scholarship recipients are selected
Launch of Fellows Program on Peace, Governance, and Development in East Asia
Held EAI Young Festival
Launch of EAI Sarangbang
First Korea-Japan Mutual Perceptions Public Opinion Poll, launch of the Korea-Japan Future Dialogue Initiation of the KF-EAI Korea Friendship Program
Asia Democracy Research Network (ADRN) is launched
EAI 10th anniversary lecture series
Young-Sun Ha, Professor Emeritus of the Department of Political Science and International Relations at Seoul National University, is appointed as EAI’s second chairman
Ranked 65th among think tanks in the world
Founding member of the Council of Councils sponsored by the Council on Foreign Relations
EAI social sciences lecture series- The Youth of History: From the Positivists of the 18th Century to the Complex Wave of the 21st Century
First governance roundtable, first press forum, EPIK Young Leaders Conference, Launch of the North Korean Advancement Strategy Team
EAI is designated as a key research institute in the MacArthur Foundation’s Asia Security Initiative (ASI)
Sook Jong Lee, Professor in the Public Administration Department at Sungkyunkwan University, is appointed as EAI’s second president
Election Panel Survey
EAI holds expert seminars, Global Academy
EAI launches North Korea Panel, EAI Fellows Program
EAI launches National Security Panel (NSP), Korea-US Dialogue 21, and EAI GlobalNet 21Forum
EAI launches supporters association
EAI is established with the first EAI Chairman, Hong-Koo Lee, former Prime Minister and EAI founder, Byung-Kook Kim, Professor in the Political Science and Diplomacy Department at Korea University, is appointed as EAI’s first president