
JiYoung Lee, Institute of Japanese Studies, Kookmin University




This paper explores the process of gender equality and political democratization by focusing on the leadership of Ichikawa Fusae in Japan. Ichikawa was a Japanese feminist and a key leader in Japan’s political democratization. Ichikawa’s ideas of gender equality and political democratization focused on the legislation of women’s rights and the promotion of women’s full participation in the political process. Ichikawa’s leadership worked on using the political opportunity structure and networks among the various social groups. The legislation of anti-prostitution laws, Japan’s ratification of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms Discrimination against Women, and the consolidation of democracy through female voter’s efforts to curb the corruption of Japanese elections, characterize the achievements of Ichikawa’s activism.


The full text in Korean is available here

Major Project

Center for Japan Studies

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