
Democracy Cooperation

East Asia Institute (EAI) seeks to strengthen democracy in Asia and Korea through active research on democracy. Internationally, this regional network builds a foundation for synergy and policy impact and contributes to the expansion of human rights and democracy. It is a knowledge network of cooperation with major think tanks in Asia. Based on this purpose, EAI launched the "Asia Democracy Research Network (ADRN)" and "Strengthening Civil Society Organizations in Myanmar" projects to conduct surveys and research on key issues surrounding Asia and Myanmar. The results of the research are produced on a regular basis through commentaries and working papers.

Related Contents


Commentary·Issue Briefing

[ADRN Publications] Pakistan’s 11th General Election: Outcomes and Implications for Democracy

  • 2018-10-24
  • Pakistan Institute for Legislative Development and Transparency

Working Paper Download

[Special Report] State of Democracy in Asia Report

  • 2018-04-11
  • East Asia Institute; Society for Participatory Research in Asia; Centre for Strategic and International Studies Indonesia; Genron NPO; Institute for Democracy and Economic Affairs; Academy of Political Education; Centre for Policy Alternatives; Asian Barometer & Academia Sinica; King Prajadhipok’s Institute

Working Paper Download

[Special Report] Policy Research and Policy Outcomes Report on Gender Equality in Asia: Comparative Studies

  • 2018-04-02
  • King Prajadhipok’s Institute; Taiwan Foundation for Democracy; The International Center for Innovation, Transformation and Excellence in Governance; Jinnah Institute

Working Paper Download

[Special Report] Civic Space in Asia: Emerging Issues and Policy Lessons from Six Asian Countries

  • 2018-04-02
  • Society for Participatory Research in Asia; Centre for Policy Alternatives; South Asia Partnership Pakistan; Asian Barometer & Institute of Political Science, Academia Sinica; DLSU Jesse M. Robredo Institute of Governance; Yangon School of Political Science