
[EAI Special Report] Moving Towards Better Governance in Myanmar

  • 2017-11-24
EAI Special Report
Moving Towards Better Governance in Myanmar
"Assessing the State of Governance in Myanmar"
Over the course of the last two years, EAI has partnered with Myanmar civil society organizations on the "Strengthening Civil Society in Myanmar" program. This series of reports is the culmination of the second year of this partnership. Sandhi Governance Institute, the Open Myanmar Initiative, the Yangon School of Political Science, Yone Kyi Yar Knowledge Propagation Society, Salween Institute for Public Policy, Another Development, and Naushawng Development Institute each carried out research on different policy issues in Myanmar in an effort to shed light on current practices, track the progress of the new government, and identify areas for improvement. As Myanmar continues on its journey towards democracy, it is essential to have a strong civil society network to bridge the gap between the government and civilians and to offer quality research and good ideas to promote better governance. It is our hope that their hard work and dedication has laid a foundation for improving governance in Myanmar for years to come. The 2016 program was sponsored by National Endowment for Democracy and Open Society Foundations. pc   mobile
Recent Publications
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