
[Global NK Commentary] What lies ahead of the demolishment of the Inter-Korean Joint Liaison Office?

  • 2020-06-26

[Commentary 35 & 36]

What lies ahead of the demolishment of
the Inter-Korean Joint Liaison Office?


The Future of the Demolished
Inter-Korean Joint Liaison Office

Young-Sun Ha

Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the East Asia Institute
Professor Emeritus at Seoul National University

North Korea detonated the Inter-Korean Liaison Office on June 16, 2020,
signalling deteriorations in inter-Korean relations. Professor Young-Sun
Ha, Chairman of EAI and professor emeritus at Seoul National University,
argues that the South Korean government should expand its analytical
perspective instead of focusing solely on the two current problems
including the banning of anti-North Korea leaflets and North Korean
criticisms against the ROK-U.S. Working Group. He states that
South Korea should take into account Pyongyang`s strategy of
strengthening its "three revolutionary capabilities," which was introduced
during the Kim Il-sung era. In addition, for inter-Korean relations to be
reconciled and for peace to be established on the Korean Peninsula,
North Korea should adopt a path that fits the 21st century by
reorganizing itself politically, economy, and culturally. In the process,
South Korea needs to lend a helping hand so that North Korea`s
improved domestic and international capabilities can facilitate a
successful reconstruction of the Korean Peninsula.  
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North Korea’s Post-Nuclear National Strategy
and Inter-Korean Relations

Choong-Koo Lee

Associate Research Fellow at Korea Institute for Defense Analyses

In addition to criticizing South Korea for distributing anti-North Korea
leaflets, North Korea detonated the Inter-Korean Liaison Office following
Kim Yo Jong`s official statement. Dr. Choong-Koo Lee, an associate
research fellow at the Korea Institute for Defense Analyses, analyzes
North Korea`s strategies based on the 7th Workers` Party of Korea (WPK)
Congress and Plenary Sessions of the Seventh Central Committee. Dr.
Lee argues that North Korea needs to develop a new national strategy
rather than rely on its past tactics which seems to have failed in helping
North Korea recover from its current economic instabilities. He adds that
"it is time for the international community to make joint intellectual
efforts to enable North Korea to announce a new national strategy
preparing for denuclearization at the next Party Congress."  
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the East Asia Institute