
[월요인턴세미나] The Importance of Debate

  • 2015-03-09

EAI는 미래를 꿈꾸는 소중한 자산인 인턴들이 연구원에 대한 소속감과 연대감을 쌓을 수 있는 자리를 마련하고, 교육적 인센티브를 제공하기 위해 월요인턴세미나를 진행하고 있습니다.


EAI는 인턴들이 본 인턴 세미나를 통해 좀 더 능동적이고 자율적인 모습으로 연구원 활동에 참여하고 학교 내에서 접할 수 없는 새로운 지식을 습득할 수 있게 되기를 기대합니다. 또한, 내부 커뮤니케이션의 증대, 네트워크 활성화 그리고 배움의 기회를 제공함으로써 연구원과 인턴들간의 장기적 관계 발전 형성에 기여하고자 합니다.



Patrick Thomsen, EAI


권윤진 고려대학교
김다영 경희대학교 평화복지대학원
박재훈 호주국립대학교 대학원
황세정 숭실대학교
황은지 연세대학교








박재훈, 대외협력팀 인턴 (호주국립대학교 대학원)


The topic of this week’s seminar was on the importance of debate. Mr Patrick Thomsen is an experienced and talented debater particularly in the field of social science, whom is able to debate across topics fluently with a high standard of communication skills and strategies.


He gave very insightful lecture on the theories of debate, as well as its application in practice. In this lecture, he distinguished the term ‘debate’ from deductive reasoning and rhetoric. Debate is about ‘using techniques to present a superior context’, as ‘we live in a world of competition and cooperation, we should be realistic, sometimes you just have to fight’, he said.


Successful debaters usually put emphasis on the importance of identifying the status-quo, stakeholders, and their position. Then they develop a clear argument which comprises a three point structure: assertions, reasoning and evidence. He concluded the seminar by providing tips for the interns to become a good debater in their field and how they can use debate to further their own writing and argumentation.


Through this seminar, the interns were able to understand the theories of debate, and the ways to use it in practice. As we are living in a society where competition requires a good standard of communication skills to succeed, his lecture provided guidance toward our success not only in an academic sense, but also in real world scenarios.