아시아안보연구센터는 10월 21일 한미동맹컨퍼런스의 참석자인 미국 의회조사국(U.S. Congressional Research Service) 마크 매닌(Mark E. Manyin) 연구위원을 모시고 Smart Q&A를 진행하였습니다. 동아시아연구원은 스마트 Q&A를 통하여 다각적인 관점으로 이슈를 조망함으로써 현안에 대한 이해도를 높이고, 관련 정책에 대한 창의적이며 전략적인 아이디어를 창출하고자 합니다.



Mark E. Manyin, U.S. Congressional Research Service


질문 내용



1) The Impact of Strategic Patience on North Korea


In 2011 North Korea has changed its tone by offering to return to the Six-Party Talks, asking for humanitarian aid, and holding back from further provocations. To what extent has the Obama and Lee administration’s “strategic patience” had an impact on North Korea’s changing behavior?


2) U.S. Appointment of New Special Envoy to North Korea


Ambassador Stephen Bosworth will leave as the Special Representative for North Korea policy and will be replaced by Glyn Davies, the current ambassador to the IAEA. Ambassador Bosworth worked on a part-time basis which relates to the “strategic patience” approach of the Obama administration. By comparison, Ambassador Davies will be working on a full-time basis; does this mean any change in the Obama administration’s approach?


3) North Korea’s Leadership Transition


North Korea has declared 2012 as the year it will become a “strong and prosperous nation.” It is expected that this will signal Kim Jong-eun’s formal designation as successor or that he will at least play a bigger role. What will be the impact of this period of leadership transition upon the North Korean nuclear crisis?


4) East Asia after 2012


With the simultaneous leadership transition in the main countries of East Asia including the United States, 2012 will be a period of uncertainty. How will the main issues facing the region become more politicized during this period?

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