EAI와 아시아재단의 공동 주최로 시카고외교협회(CFR)가 진행한 9.11이후 변화된 미국내의 동아시아에 대한 여론 동향과 한국 내 미국에 대한 여론 동향에 관한 세미나가 3월 21일 신라호텔에서 있었다.


그 주요 내용은 다음과 같다.

  • 9.11 has had deep impact on American thinking about the world
  • Heightened sense of vulnerability has led to focus on terrorist threat and greater attention to what goes on outside the U.S.
  • Americans have not turned to isolationism or to being the world’s policeman
  • Americans want to counter terrorism through active stance in world, including greater willingness to use force but they do not want to “go it alone” – they strongly favor multilateral approaches
  • Perceptions of Asia’s overall importance to the United States have declined vis-à-vis Europe even as the perceived influence of China is on the rise

-발표문 전문은 첨부 파일에.

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