
[EAI Issue Briefing] Donald Trump`s Tour of Asia 2017: Evaluating the U.S. Asia Strategy

  • 2017-11-30

EAI Issue Briefing
Donald Trump's Tour of Asia 2017: Evaluating the U.S. Asia Strategy
Chaesung Chun, EAI; Seoul National University
"The U.S.'s 'Free and Open Indo-Pacific' Regional Strategy in the Unripe Stage"
U.S. President Donald Trump successfully finished his first tour of Asia since his inauguration in January 2017. While many had high hopes that the U.S.'s Asia strategy might be unraveled during the tour, it ended up with an unclear picture of the regional strategy. According to Chaesung Chun, it is noteworthy that Trump administration put forth “free and open Indo-Pacific” regional strategy as an alternative to the Obama administration’s Rebalancing strategy. However, Trump's current Asian regional policy focuses heavily on the economics and does not provide clear pictures on the future direction of the U.S.-China relations, implications of regional alliances, and multilateral economic cooperation, thereby making it difficult to see Trump’s Asian regional policy as an intricately woven concept. pc   mobile
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