
[EAI China Briefing] Democracy and China

  • 2017-05-23
EAI China Briefing
Democracy and China
Sunhyuk Kim, Korea University
"Is Chinese-style democracy becoming a viable alternative to Western-style democracy?"
With the rise of populism heating up discussion over the internal threats facing Western-style representative democracies, Professor Sunhyuk Kim draws attention to another important issue; the external threat posed by the success of the China model. In the past, the success of Western-style democracy was partially due to the lack of a viable alternative. However, as the Chinese system continues to succeed despite an absence of ‘representativeness’ in its so-called democratic structure, it has begun to emerge as a real competitor. Kim provides a fresh and insightful analysis of the successes and potential pitfalls of the Chinese model and highlights the challenges that China must overcome in order to maintain its momentum.
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