
[EAI BOOK] Transforming Global Governance with Middle Power Diplomacy: South Korea's Role in the 21st Century

  • 2016-08-12
EAI Book
Transforming Global Governance with Middle Power Diplomacy:
South Korea's Role in the 21st Century

"Maximizing Middle Power in a Superpower World"
Transforming Global Governance with Middle Power Diplomacy: South Korea's Role in the 21st Century seeks to identify means for middle power countries to reconfigure the hub-and-spoke model of bilateral alliances in East Asia and sheds light on how Korea is using middle power diplomacy to affect a variety of global issues including security, trade, maritime governance, and climate change. The authors also pay special attention to how Korea can help make U.S.-China competition beneficial to itself and how South Korea and other middle powers can act as global leaders, even amongst several superpowers in a region such as East Asia. The research for this book was part of the broader Middle Power Diplomacy Initiative project conducted at EAI beginning in 2013 and was funded by the MacArthur Foundation. pc   mobile
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