Press Release

[Video] S Korea’s presidential election becoming two-way race

  • 2012-11-12
  • Joseph Kim (PressTV Video)


Independent presidential candidate Ahn Cheol-soo wrapped up his campaign pledges Sunday, highlighting issues of power redistribution, economic democratization, and North Korea, allowing his candidacy merger with opposition party nominee Moon Jae-in to gain speed.


The two presidential hopefuls announced last week that they would select a single opposition candidate before registration later this month.


Between the two, Ahn currently is leading popularity polls but Moon is gaining favor for his political background.


Recent public opinion polls show however, that ruling party candidate Park Geun-hye retains the lead.


Scandals and quarrels have been growing within Park’s campaign. Still, experts say that traditional conservative forces will be her “safety net.”


With a fundamental agreement in place, the two opposition candidates are scheduled to meet this week. But with differences on organization, tensions remain unresolved.


Moon Jae-in’s single candidacy rhetoric pushes the pretense that independent Ahn Cheol-soo has joined the Democratic United Party. Ahn’s camp however, argue that the move to expand support for a single candidate is to seek united politics, pursuing political and party reform.