
[Global NK Special Report] The Divergence of the Concept and Challenges of Korean Culture

  • 2021-10-28
Global NK Zoom & Connect                                                                               
The Divergence of the Concept and Challenges of Korean Culture​: Mass gymnastics in North Korea and mass games in South Korea
Woo-young Lee
Professor at the University of North Korean Studies


North and South Korea had the same traditional culture before they were separated. After their division, each had developed its own culture stemming from the shared tradition. One example of divided cultural elements is “mass games” or “mass gymnastics”, which have similar characteristics but different meanings. In South Korea, mass games had been mainly held during the authoritarian regime. Meanwhile, North Korea still propagates its self-reliance ideology and regime and educates the public through mass gymnastics. Mass gymnastics are composed of various forms of art and sport, and are susceptible to political changes. Both performances were based on collectivism and a strong authoritarian system; one had almost disappeared with such a system, whereas the other continued and evolved into political events. Yet, the author suggests a possibility of change in North Korea’s mass gymnastics if the country undergoes marketization and regime change.




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