
The Expert Seminar with Prof. Fiona O. Yap

  • 2014-06-27

The East Asia Institute (EAI) held an Expert Seminar on the topic of “Citizen’s Response to Government Corruption” with Professor Fiona O. Yap on Friday, June 27, 2014. Professor Yap is a 2013 EAI Fellow and Associate Professor at the Australian National University’s Crawford School of Public Policy. At the seminar, she presented the experimental evidence from Australia, Singapore, and the United States to analyze the question, “Do citizens engage in collective action to demand government accountability for corruption?” Based on research results collected from university students in each country, she argued citizens engage in collective action “when participants lose but also when they do not gain, when informed of other participants’ demands, and when the choice is not affected by costs although possibly rewards-penalties.” She also commented that although the study was conducted in multiple countries, the cultural differences did not play a significant role in the result.
“Citizens’ Response to Government Corruption: Experimental Evidence from Australia, Singapore, and the United States.”
Fiona O. Yap, Associate Professor, Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National University
Jae Yeol Yee, Seoul National University
Sei Jeong Chin, Ewha Womans University

Joon Han, Yonsei University

Jae-Kwan Jung, Korea University
Joon Gi Kim, Yonsei University

The Expert Seminar with Prof. Fiona O. Yap
The Expert Seminar with Prof. Fiona O. Yap