
Smart Talk with Prof. Jun Saito

  • 2011-07-06

The Asia Security Initiative Research Center at the East Asia Institute invited Professor Jun Saito for the 15th Smart Talk Forum on Wednesday July 6, 2011. Professor Saito is an assistant professor in the Department of Political Science, Yale University and was once a member of the Japanese House of Representatives (2002-2003). The topic of the seminar was “Issue of Nuclear Power Plant Siting and Local Politics in Japan.”


“Issue of Nuclear Power Plant Siting and Local Politics in Japan”


Jun Saito, Professor of Yale University


Sook-Jong Lee, President of the East Asia Institute


Chaesung Chun, Professor of Seoul National University

Taekyoon Kim, Professor of Ewha Womans University

Jeong-Woo Koo, Professor of Sungkyunkwan University

Stephen Ranger, Research Fellow of the East Asia Institute

Jun Saito

Jun Saito, Ph. D., Yale, 2006, is Assistant Professor of Political Science. He previously taught at Wesleyan University and at Franklin and Marshall College. His research focuses on the institutional determinants of representation and redistribution, in particular how choices of constitutional structures and electoral institutions translate into redistributive consequences. At Yale, he teaches courses on Japanese politics, international relations in East Asia, and comparative political institutions. His coauthored article with Yusaku Horiuchi won the 2004 Alan Rosenthal Award from the Legislative Studies Section of the American Political Science Association. He was once a member of the Japanese House of Representatives (2002-2003).

Smart Talk with Prof. Jun Saito