
The third workshop of the “Strengthening Civil Society Organizations in Myanmar 2018-2019” Program was held in Yangon, Myanmar from the 6th to the 10th of May in 2019. This program began in 2015 to strengthen the institutional and research capacities of nascent think tanks in Myanmar so that new and innovative policies and ideas can be developed to support the democratic transition of Myanmar. 

In April, Myanmar's partner organizations conducted a joint survey of 500 people in Yangon City on seven topics (garbage collection and management, public parks, markets, taxes, water distribution system and the current situation of water usage and streets and street lights) related to public services in the city. This third workshop began with a presentation from each organization on the primary analysis of the poll conducted. Based on that, Dr. Jeong Hanwool, Senior Research Fellow at Hankook Research, delivered a lecture on analyzing and organizing data using the SPSS. After that, Park Jong-sun, Senior Research Director at Hankook Research, gave a lecture on sampling evaluation, and in the meanwhile also analyzed and evaluated samples which were actually used by the Myanmar institutions.









Hanwool Jeong, Senior Research Fellow, Hankook Research
Jong Sun Park, Senior Research Director, Hankook Research

Younghyun Lee, Researcher Associate, East Asia Institute (EAI)


Participated Organizations
Sandhi Governance Institute
Yangon School of Political Science
Open Myanmar Initiative
Another Development
Salween Institute for Public Policy
Yone Kyi Yar Knowledge Propagation Society
Naushawng Development Institute

Major Project

Center for Democracy Cooperation

Detailed Business

Democracy Cooperation

Strengthening Civil Society Organizations in Myanmar


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