Chairman | Young-Sun HaProfessor Emeritus, Seoul National University |
Trustee | Sang-Ho Cho Chairman, Nanam Publishing House |
Trustee | Chul Won Chey CEO, MIGHT&MAIN Corp |
Trustee | Yooshik Gong Chairman, YoungSan Foundation |
Trustee | Hyun-Jhon KimCEO, Hiddenbay Hotel |
Trustee | Sook Jong LeeProfessor, Sungkyunkwan University |
Trustee | Hyun-Chin LimProfessor, Seoul National University |
Trustee | Chan-Keun ParkCEO, BMK Ltd |
Trustee | Jin-Won ParkShin & Kim Law Firm |
Trustee | Kenneth ParkVice Chairman&CEO, PSK, Inc |
Trustee | Sang-Yong Park CEO, Pebbles Investment Co., Ltd |
Trustee | Yul SohnProfessor at Graduate School of International Studies, Yonsei University & President, EAI |
Trustee | Dong-Chan YeoCEO, Exxl Fitness |
Trustee | Changsoo YooVice Chairman, Eugene Investment & Securities |
Trustee · Director of Finance | Yong G. YunCEO, BH-Tech, Co., Ltd |
Auditor | Park Jung SupPartner, Dae Joo Accounting Corporation |
EAI People
Chairman | Young-Sun HaProfessor Emeritus, Seoul National University |
President | Yul SohnProfessor at Graduate School of International Studies, Yonsei University |
Chairman Emeritus | Hong-koo Leeformer Prime Minister of the Republic of Korea |
President Emeritus | Byung-Kook Kim Professor of Political Science, Korea University |
Chair | Chaesung ChunChair of the National Security Research Center / Professor at the Department of Political Science and International Relations, Seoul National University |
President Emeritus · Senior Fellow | Sook Jong LeeProfessor, Sungkyunkwan University |
Chair | Dong Ryul LeeChair of the China Research Center / Professor at the Department of Chinese Studies, Dongduk Women’s University |
Chair | Seungjoo LeeChair of the Trade, Technology, and Transformation Research Center/ Professor at the Department of Political Science and International Relations, Chung-Ang University |
Chair | Joon HanChair of the Innovative Future Research Center / Professor at the Department of Sociology, Yonsei University |
Chair | Won Gon ParkCenter for North Korea Studies, Professor at the Department of North Korean Studies of Ewha Womans University |
Chair | Won-Taek KangChair of the Democratic Cooperation Research Center/ Professor at the Department of Political Science and International Relations, Seoul National University |
Executive Director | Yang-Gyu KimOverseeing Research Projects, Education, and Publications |
Director | Hyemi KangFinancial Accounting, HR Management, General Affairs, and Project Expense Management |
IT and Web Management, Technical Support, Video Content Management | Minje KimProject Manager |
Research Associate | Hansu ParkResearch Project Operations and Management, Public Opinion Surveys, Publications |
Research Associate | Hayeon LeeJournal of East Asian Studies (JEAS) Journal Operations |
Research Associate | Jieun Park Supporter Management, External Relations, and Education |
Research Associate | Jisoo ParkResearch Project Operations and Management, International Think Tank Meetings |
Research Assistant | Soyoung Lee Support for Research Project Operations and Management, Video Content |