2020 Winter Internship
Karolina Kucharczyk, Yonsei Graduate School of International Studies



My name is Karolina and I am a graduate student in the Graduate School of International Studies at Yonsei University where I major in Korean Studies. After my third semester I decided it was high time to pursue a working opportunity in the field that I am interested in – research about the current issues and developments on the Korean Peninsula and beyond. The East Asian Institute offered such an opportunity – despite being nervous about not being able to get in, I applied with the help of Yonsei GSIS’ Career Development Center and eventually got accepted.

During the course of the internship I got to participate in different projects: I worked on the Myanmar Civil Society workshop; researched about BTS and their impact on both the Korean and international societies; researched the multidimensional impacts of the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative, as well as the contended views on and motivations behind the different conceptualizations of ‘the Free and Open Asia-Pacific’ initiative. Although at times challenging, these projects helped me to systematize my knowledge on how research should be carried out and provided me with opportunities to practice development of databases and report-making.

Me and my intern colleagues took part in intern-seminars organized by individual research associates during which we could learn about the specific ongoing projects and the challenges the Institute faces on a daily basis. Everyday, we were given a chance to cooperate as a team and learn from each other even during the smallest tasks like preparing nametags, creating databases, or graphic designs for upcoming projects.

One of the events I was able to participate in was the 2020 Global North Korea Nuclear Side Talk where I worked as an event assistant. This conference allowed me to take part in highly academic debates on the current nuclear issues on the peninsula, as well as to understand the mechanisms behind event organization and inter-institutional cooperation.

During the ten weeks from January until early March, I got to know how a research institution works inside out. I had a chance to meet wonderful, kind researchers whose passion for work kept me going even at my hardest times of self-doubt. Their kindness and guidance were of great help in the course of my work, for which I am grateful.

I hereby wish to thank the East Asia Institute, all research associates, and the director board for granting me this opportunity to experience working alongside professional academics.