
Myung-Hee Park, Ewha Womans University




The purpose of this study is to illustrate the idiosyncrasies of Osaka Mayor Toru Hashimoto’s leadership using the concept of “Political Entrepreneur.” Such an entrepreneur gains public support through a correct reading of the current social environment and proposing workable solutions to complex problems. Hashimoto entered Japanese politics during a period of economic stagnation in which there was a lack of trust among the public toward the central government. In particular, the Osaka region has been witnessing a rapid decline which aggravated regional asymmetry. Hashimoto differs from other political leaders in Japan due to his strategy of gaining public support and the direction of his political reforms. The two differences include:


First, Hashimoto’s reforms move from the “local to the center,” rather than a top-down approach. He has put forward a new design for the Osaka province, advocated institutional reform for government officials with emphasis on competition and educational change to deal with the economic crisis in Japan. His policies have also helped with the expansion of his Osaka Restoration Association toward the center of politics. Second, Hashimoto expanded his support base by ensuring the transparency of information passed through the media. The significance of analyzing Hashimoto as a political entrepreneur resides in the fact that he is consistent with his policies regarding Japan’s current economic difficulties, and continues to win support when implementing such approaches. On the other hand, Hashimoto has had difficulties with Japan’s foreign relations due to his stop-gap approach to gain political support. Furthermore, he often lacks a clear vision for Japan’s future. Hashimoto’s construction of foreign relations will take different forms as he is dependent upon public opinion and his political affiliations.


The full text in Korean is available here