워킹페이퍼 다운로드
The Media and the U.S.-ROK Alliance: The South Korean Case
Coercive Assets? Foreign Direct Investments and the Use of Economic Sanctions
A Strategy for the Coevolution of North Korean Human Rights
Bilateralism, Multilateralism, and Institutional Change in Northeast Asia’s Regional Security Architecture
East Asian Politics and the Great G20 Game: Convergence and Divergence in Chinese, Korean, and Japanese Approaches
Money Politics: International Credit/Debt as Credible Commitment
A Strategy for the Advancement of the North Korean Economy
Path to an Advanced North Korea by 2032: Building a Complex Networked State
[EAI 국가안보패널 보고서] 경제위기 이후 세계질서
[NSP Report 51] 탈위기 지구질서와 환경의 국제정치 : 기후변화 대응체제의 현재와 미래