
2014년 방문 Fellows 일정

  • 2015-01-15

2014년 동아시아연구원을 방문하여 전문가세미나를 진행한 학자들은 다음과 같습니다.


강연자 (소속) 강연주제



Ka Zeng

(University of Arkansas) 

Domestic Politics and U.S.-China Trade Disputes over Renewable Energy

2014. 06. 12

Fiona O. Ya

(The Australian

National University)

Citizens’ Response to Government Corruption: Experimental Evidence from Australia, Singapore, and the United States

2014. 06. 27


(American University)

The Chinese World Order in Practice: Symbolic Domination and Hierarchy in Early Modern East Asia

2014. 12. 08

Matthew A. Shapiro

(Illinois Institute of Technology)

International Collaboration and Green Technology Generation: Assessing the East Asian Environmental Regime

2014. 12. 18