
2012년 방문 Fellows 일정

  • 2013-01-10

2012년 동아시아연구원을 방문하여 전문가세미나를 진행한 학자들은 다음과 같습니다.


강연자 (소속) 강연주제



Kai He
(Utah State University)

Decision Making During Crises: Prospect Theory and China’s Foreign Policy Crisis Behavior after the Cold War

2012. 05. 29

Thomas Berger
(Boston University)

Navigating a Sea of Troubles: US Alliances and Maritime Disputes in East Asia

2012. 06 .07

Peter Van Ness
(Australian National University)

Collapse of Moral Authority: A Comparison of Two Cases, Mao's China and George W. Bush's United States

2012. 10. 22

Yu Zheng
(University of Connecticut)

When World’s Workshop Meets Its Office: Comparative Advantage, Institutions, and Foreign Investment In China and India

2013. 01. 08