
[월요인턴세미나] The Importance of Debate

  • 2014-10-27

EAI는 미래를 꿈꾸는 소중한 자산인 인턴들이 연구원에 대한 소속감과 연대감을 쌓을 수 있는 자리를 마련하고, 교육적 인센티브를 제공하기 위해 월요인턴세미나를 진행하고 있습니다.


EAI는 인턴들이 본 인턴 세미나를 통해 좀 더 능동적이고 자율적인 모습으로 연구원 활동에 참여하고 학교 내에서 접할 수 없는 새로운 지식을 습득할 수 있게 되기를 기대합니다. 또한, 내부 커뮤니케이션의 증대, 네트워크 활성화 그리고 배움의 기회를 제공함으로써 연구원과 인턴들간의 장기적 관계 발전 형성에 기여하고자 합니다. 



Patrick Thomsen EAI 외교안보연구팀 연구원



김가현 EAI
김선경 Sciences Po

김재연 서강대학교
김정은 이화여자대학교
윤신영 고려대학교
이소정 University of Califonia,Irvine(UCI)
이지민 연세대학교
이현정 Emory University
조희연 한국외국어대학교
호영진 고려대학교
Kychele Boone 서울대학교







Kychele Boone, 외교안보연구팀 인턴 (서울대학교)


Today’s presentation was given by Program Officer, Mr. Patrick Thomsen. He spoke about the importance of debate and how it influences the rest of our lives. Mr. Thomsen has vast experience in teaching debate here in South Korea as one of the first English debate teachers in South Korea (2009) and was a competitive debater in New Zealand. He explained that debate begins with ‘truth’ which is something that is very personal to the individual who believes it. This is why debate is so important, what we each believe and feel is our own truth which varies by the individual. Debate also enables your ability to sell yourself and express your ideas which, according to his teachers, is the only thing you will need to succeed in life and business.


Debate mirrors the concept of international relations theory being that it mirrors the three realms of life: individual, societal, and supranational. Learning how to build a case and argue the strongest points is necessary in personal relationships with family and friends as well as selling yourself to get a job after graduation. On a societal level, debate is important for the functioning of civil society. Democratic participation in every country is necessary and debate provides a strong avenue for citizens to express themselves and truly impact social policy. Lastly, at the supranational level, foreign policy and the development of global norms is strongly used in debate and its impact on the world.


Mr. Thomsen explained the three M’s of debate: matter, manner and method; where matter took center stage in his presentation as it details the A.R.E. of debate. The A.R.E, being assertions, reasoning and evidence, is used to solve a problem expressed in the assertion of the argument based on the foundation of its reasoning and proven through evidentiary support.


Debate is necessary to practice and master while working in the realm of a global think tank and in research in general. In order to make a reputable claim, one must first have a sound argument with logical reasoning coupled with factual evidence giving the argument a strong foundation. Mr. Thomsen presented a very strong, entertaining and useful presentation which will aid all of us interns both here at the EAI and in our future endeavors.