
Professor Grzegorz Ekiert 스마트 토크

  • 2012-01-09
아시아안보연구센터는 1월 9일(월) 오후 5시 하버드대학교(Harvard University)의 제고르즈 에커트(Grzegorz Ekiert) 교수를 초청하여 “Two decades of transformations in Central and Eastern Europe”를 주제로 제21회 Smart Talk 세미나를 개최하였습니다.



“Two decades of transformations in Central and Eastern Europe”



Grzegorz Ekiert, 하버드대학교(Harvard University) 교수



이숙종, 동아시아연구원 원장



구정우, 성균관대학교 교수

김선혁, 고려대학교 교수

이옥연, 서울대학교 교수

정재관, 고려대학교 교수



Grzegorz Ekiert 

Grzegorz Ekiert is Professor of Government and Senior Scholar at the Harvard Academy for International and Area Studies. His teaching and research interests focus on comparative politics, regime change and democratization, civil society and social movements, and East European politics and societies. He is the author of The State Against Society: Political Crises and Their Aftermath in East Central Europe (1996), Rebellious Civil Society: Popular Protest and Democratic Consolidation in Poland, with (Jan Kubik, 1999); Capitalism and Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe: Assessing the Legacy of Communist Rule, (co-edited with Stephen Hanson, 2003) and editor of special issues of East European Politics and Societies on the EU Eastward Enlargement (with Jan Zielonka, 2003) and on Democracy in Postcommunist World (2007). His papers appeared in numerous social science journals and edited volumes. His current projects explore civil society development in new democracies in Central Europe and East Asia and patterns of transformations in postcommunist world. He was Acting Director of Harvard’s Center for European Studies in fall 2010. He is also Senior Faculty Associate at Davis Center for Russian Studies, and Member of the Club of Madrid Advisory Committee.