EAI has been contributing insight and knowledge with the goal of mitigating this dual challenge. At the heart of this is the work of the National Security Panel (NSP), which has been a wellspring of potential solutions to the foreign policy and security issues facing South Korea. The NSP offers timely and pertinent policy recommendations on current issues including the ROK-US alliance, the North Korean nuclear issue, the rise of China and the US-China rivalry, foreign policy towards neighboring countries, and others. In 2016, the Panel focused on the developing rivalry between the US and China by analyzing different dimensions of the hegemonic competition. Factors considered ranged from conventional military and security issues to maritime concerns, finance, investment, foreign aid, science & technology, knowledge, and informatization. This research culminated in the September 2017 publication of the volume U.S.-China Competition in the Architecture of a Regional Order in the Asia-Pacific, which paints a fresh picture of the true nature of the competition between the two powers.
Table of Contents Foreword ■ Young-Sun Ha
I Military Order Chapter 1: Trends in U.S. Defense Budget and Security Strategy ■ Chaesung Chun
II Economic Order Chapter 6: U.S.-China Economic Relations: GDP Reversal, Interdependence, Institutional Competition ■ Yul Sohn
III Emerging Order Chapter 10: U.S.-China Competition for Hegemony and Innovation in Science and Technology ■ Young Ja Bae