International Conference on East Asia, Latin America, and "New" Pax Americana

 ■ 일시 : 2003년 2월 14일~2월 15일
 ■ 장소 : 하바드대 웨더헤드국제관계연구소
 ■ 주최 : WCFIA, Harvard University East Asia Institute


In what way does the new preeminence of the United States affect its relations with key countries in East Asia and Latin America as well as what takes place within those countries? This conference will focus on the impact of the United States on international and comparative economic, political, and military issues, including democratization and anti-terrorism in specific regional contexts. There will be specific papers on Brazil, Cuba, China, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan as well as on regionalism in East Asia and Latin America, all in the context of relations with, and the impact of, the United States.

The transcripts of all discussions and recommendations will be made available to the public when the conference is concluded.