EAI는 2월 22일 아시아재단 한미정책연구센터와 공동으로 "Influence and Role of Domestic Stakeholders on the U.S.-ROK Alliance"라는 주제로 국제컨퍼런스를 개최하였습니다. 이날 컨퍼런스에서는 국회, 언론, 기업, 시민단체 등의 국내적 요인들이 한미동맹에 미치는 영향력과 역할에 대해 논의하였습니다.


Tentative Program


09:30~10:00 Welcoming Remarks & Opening Remarks


10:00~11:30 Session I. The Legislative Influence on the Alliance 


ROK National Assembly by Lee Hyeon-chool

U.S. Congress by Yun Jung-Ho


12:00~13:30 LUNCHEON


13:30~15:00 Session II. The Role of the Media


South Korean media influences on the alliance by Shin Gi-wook

The U.S. media influence on American views of South Korea


15:00~15:15 Coffee Break


15:15~16:45 Session III. KORUS FTA: Case Study on Private Sector Influences on the Alliance


South Korea’s business sector and the alliance by Kim Chi-wook

U.S. business and U.S.-ROK relations by Troy Stangarone


16:45~17:00 Coffee Break


17:00~18:30 Session IV. Grassroots Influences on the Alliance: Role of Civil Society 


South Korean NGOs: Landscape survey and views of the U.S.-ROK alliance by Mo Jongryn 

American public views of the alliance by Andrew Yeo


18:30~20:00 DINNER