Hi there! My name is Vanessa Le, and I am currently studying at Yonsei University’s Graduate School of International Studies as a Korean Studies major. Coming into this position at EAI, I felt nervous about what I could contribute to the institute with substance and confidence. Looking back now, I feel like my concerns have evolved into pride and gratitude for not only the progress I have made, but also the support I have received from EAI staff.


Aside from getting to work with a warm team of other EAI interns throughout our EAI.people Instagram Takeover Project, I also aided EAI researchers in tasks such as Korean>English, English>Korean translation, transcribing webinars, editing reports, and participating in news research. I also worked extensively with Ms. Hayeon Lee in managing all sorts of data for the Journal of East Asian Studies, the academic journal run by EAI. I would also like to give a shout-out to my kind mentor, Ms. Hayeon Yoon for exposing me to the Democracy Cooperation projects and allowing me to work on summary and subtitle edits. All staff alike have been gracious in being keen on my interests and fostering my skills for improvement. I am truly thankful!


With my newfound insight gained at EAI, I feel that I have become more well-versed in various East Asian topics, such as North Korea-US-South Korean relations, democracy in Asia, international politics, and more. The transnational issues that lie before us in the contemporary global nexus of cultural powerhouses vary from human rights, to climate change, to disinformation and privacy concerns. Going forward in my studies, and even as I transition into the working field, this internship has inspired me to stay informed, alert, and open-minded about these far-reaching, dynamic problems.


Despite the bleak COVID-19 pandemic situation that we remain in, I am grateful that we interns were able to work in and out of the office using a hybrid structure. The past 2 months have flown by in a splendid blur, and I am privileged to have made valuable connections, furthered my professional working skills, and ultimately enhanced my graduate experience at the powerful organization that is the EAI!