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China’s Stance on the End-of-War Declaration
Jongho Shin
Research Fellow at the Korea Institute for National Unification (KINU)


China, one of the parties involved in the Korean War Armistice Agreement of 1953, has shown considerable interest in President Moon’s end-of-war declaration. In this commentary, Dr. Jongho Shin, research fellow at the Korea Institute for National Unification, analyzes China's current position, explains any potential changes regarding the declaration, and suggests ways to bring in China to support and cooperate on the declaration. China stated that, in principle, it agrees to the end-of-war declaration and has reinforced its role as a supporter. Dr. Shin offers two reasons as to why China would be interested in taking a more active stance on this matter. The author further explains two issues that require coordination between South Korea and China in resolving differences in opinion in order to realize sustainable peace on the Korean Peninsula through an end-of-war declaration.




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