Matthew D. Jenkins
Japan, natural disasters, political participation, social networks
What effect do natural disasters have on political participation? Some argue that natural disasters decrease political participation because of the way they reduce individual and group resources. Others argue that they stimulate political participation by creating new social norms. Previous studies have been limited both by their focus on a specific disaster type and a lack of regional variation. This article advances the literature by assessing the effect of the 2011 triple disaster in Japan on political participation at both the individual and district level. Drawing on multiple sources of data, I use a difference-in-differences identification strategy to show that the 2011 triple disaster in Japan resulted in a 6 percent increase in participation in political groups in regions heavily affected by the disaster, and a 2.5 percent increase in voter turnout in districts in prefectures that were significantly affected by the disaster. The results also show that the effect at the individual level is largely confined to individuals with large social networks, suggesting that the effect of natural disasters on political participation is a combination of their direct and indirect impact on variables that operate through different subpopulations. Directions for future studies are suggested.
Author(s) Bio
Matthew David Jenkins (corresponding author: is a Visiting Assistant Professor at Saint Martin’s University. His work focuses on the relationships between political culture, digital media, and collective action. His recent research has been published in peer-reviewed journals, including the Journal of Information Technology and Politics, and the Asian Journal of Comparative Politics.