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President Moon’s End-of-War Declaration and China’s Role
Nam-Ju Lee
Professor at Sungkonghoe University


The end-of-war declaration has been the talk of the town since President Moon Jae-in’s address at the UN General Assembly. As the declaration lacks precedent, it has stirred a lot of controversy regarding its form and content. In this commentary, Nam-Ju Lee, professor at Sungkonghoe University explains China’s potential role in the end-of-war declaration. Over the recent months, China has made it clear that consultation with China is necessary for the successful pursuit of the end-of-war declaration as it had been involved in the Korean War. While Professor Lee sees that the end-of-war declaration will involve a quadrilateral declaration involving the two Koreas, the U.S., and China, China`s role seems unclear amid debate concerning whether the declaration will affect the presence of USFK and UNC forces on the Korean Peninsula.




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