May. 20. 2021
Myanmar Crisis Needs Concerted Democracy Support
from Asian Middle Powers 
Hun Joon Kim

Professor of Political Science and International Relations at Korea University


Sook Jong Lee

Professor of Public Administration at Sungkyunkwan University
Senior Fellow of the East Asia Institute

An Urgent Call for Regional Cooperation to Support Myanmar’s Pursuit of Democracy

Myanmar’s fight for democracy endures amid violent crackdowns inflicted by the military government. While the number of fatalities and casualties, especially those among the youth and children participating in the nationwide civil disobedience movement (CDM) continues to increase, democracies in the region have become increasingly alert towards the situation in Myanmar. Hun Joon Kim, professor at Korea University, and Sook Jong Lee, professor at Sungkyunkwan University and senior fellow at the East Asia Institute, state that while middle power democracies of India, Indonesia, Japan and South Korea have made significant moves against the military coup in support of Myanmar’s path towards democracy, they should coordinate among themselves to pursue more substantial ways of engagement. 

Civil societies of Asian middle power democracies have shown moral and financial support to the CDM in Myanmar and have manifested unusually high levels of empathy and support for the restoration of democracy in Myanmar. To sustain such support and facilitate change towards democratic transition remains a challenge – one that requires unequivocal support from Asian middle power democracies.



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