The East Asia Institute (President Yul Sohn) invites you to the conference titled “The Military Coup and Future of Democracy in Myanmar.” The military seized control of Myanmar on February 1, 2021 following the November 2020 general election which resulted in huge victory for Aung San Suu Kyi’s National League for Democracy (NLD) party. The military claimed that the election was a “fraud” and executed the coup, while the citizens of Myanmar have continuously organized resistance against the military. In this context, with the experience and knowledge gained through operating the ‘Strengthening the Civil Society Organizations in Myanmar’ project for seven years, EAI will invite Myanmar and East Asian Studies specialists based in South Korea and discuss the future of democracy in Myanmar. We welcome you to join us at this online event.
서울특별시 중구 을지로 158, 909호 (을지로 4가, 삼풍빌딩) 02-2277-1683
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