[Commentary 30]

Missiles and the Coronavirus in Spring 2020:
New Hope for Diplomacy on the Korean Peninsula?

Seong-ho Sheen

Professor at Graduate School of International Studies
at Seoul National University


"Can coronavirus be a turning point for South Korea, North Korea and the U.S.?"

Since the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, South Korea has become a
subject of international media coverage, not in relation to North Korea,
but because of its successful handling of the virus outbreak. Professor
Seong-ho Sheen of Graduate School of International Studies at Seoul
National University suggests that the coronavirus may bring a new
dynamic for the trilateral negotiation between the two Koreas and the
U.S. Furthermore, he argues that with South Korea as an international
model for responding effectively to the coronavirus outbreak, North
Korea and the U.S. may wish to pursue discussions through South Korea
rather than excluding it from the negotiation table. Professor Sheen
argues that it is time for North Korea to make a call to South Korea as
Trump recently did to Moon. [Read Commentary]

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[Commentary 27] North Korean Nuclear Diplomacy
[Commentary 26] Present and Future of the Four-Point Strategy toward North Korea
[Commentary 25] 2020 North Korea: A Head-on Breakthrough of Two Major Challenges
the East Asia Institute