
This paper analyzes the background and development of the Sun-Goon (military-first) diplomacy that is focused on guaranteeing the survival of North Korea’s socialist regime and preparing the diplomatic environment for the establishment of a strong and prosperous state in the future. Yet, military-first diplomacy will fail eventually, and the alternative measure that North Korea can take is to change its diplomatic strategy from Sun-Goon to Sun-Kyung (economy-first) through the 3 step-process suggested by the author. Also, contributions from the neighboring countries and the international community to this strategic evolution are crucial. North Korea pursues realism in certain extent, but it has not overcome the international system of the Cold War when evaluating the post Cold-War era and the political environment of the 21th century. However, if Pyongyang continues to promote military-first diplomacy, the evident consequences will be regularly imposed economic sanctions against the North Korea and deepening of domestic financial difficulties. Therefore, to survive and seek normal development, it is desirable for North Korea to abandon nuclear weapons (1st step), reform its regime and open its economy (2nd step), and turn toward pragmatic strategy for its diplomacy (3rd step). Lastly, a changeover in understanding that North Korean nuclear issue is not a matter of WMD and proliferation but political survival issue of Kim Jong-il regime is important. In addition, the efforts of the neighboring countries and the international community to co-evolve in their North Korea policy are required.





The full text in Korean is available here